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About Me

I am Robin Fox, a self-taught artist and hobby writer.  As the main medium for my art I use graphite or ink on paper, but I also frequently paint with watercolor and acrylic. Although my main focus lies with these traditional methods, I occasionally work digitally as well.


My beginnings as an artist were in my youth, but it wasn’t until I finished my degree in landscape planning and architecture that I fully committed to my creative efforts. Since the summer of 2018, I’ve been pursuing an artistic career and endeavor to continuously improve and realize my ambition.


To me, art is a means of communication and discovery. As such, my pictures often relay insight into the topics I think about and themes I encounter in my everyday life. As an aspiring writer, I tend to create my larger projects in the context of descriptive short-stories, to set the scene I had in mind. You can find them in my gallery accompanying their respective works.

I believe the most fascinating art to be that which depicts something dreamlike, something that cannot be observed in reality. To avoid slipping into the less relatable realms of abstraction, I often stick to familiar forms, animals and concepts, which I then present in new ways or even mix with one another. As I plan a design, it is the motif that dictates the expression I want to lend to a picture, in essence the style. I take pride in having developed a plethora of diverse styles up until now, and I aim to still slowly build on them with time. This learning process, and the satisfaction of accomplishment, is the greatest reward in painting. Not just the greater understanding of the craft itself, but also about the topics that I immerse myself in. Through it, I can keep broadening my horizons and improve myself. It is my hope that some of this seeps through to others, to inspire them as well and offer them a different perspective.

Although I often write my own stories, as mentioned, it is always a pleasure to hear how different people interpret my works in their own ways.


Apart from my artistic development, I occasionally continue writing my own fantasy novel, which one day will see the light of day. In my remaining spare time I practice archery and study foreign languages such as Japanese.

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